Football is Family?
The NFL's 2016 advertising campaign, "Football is Family," was impossible to miss last night during the 50th Super Bowl. The game between...
New Family Devotions Ebook: SEASONS
Gospel Family Ministries presents Family Devotions for Every Season. More than 15 writers, moms, dads, husbands, and wives have...
Gospel Siblings & the One Anothers
When people think about siblings, the first thing that often comes to mind is "Sibling Rivalry." We envision kids fighting over toys,...
11 Examples of Parenting with Grace
One of the ways the Lord has allowed me to better understand grace-based parenting is by looking at the Biblical example of the opposite;...
Do Your Kids Pray Alone?
My wife and I enjoy praying with our kids. It's a blessing to get to hear their hearts as they talk to their Creator, and I love the...
The Unbearable Dangers of Not Leading
The Bible clearly shows the repercussion of the failure of spiritual leadership within the home, whether Adam’s failure to lead Eve (Gen....
Marriage Mentors
There is a thread of mentorship woven throughout the Scriptures, as the church is encouraged, time and time again, to imitate mature...
Grandparents = Disciple Makers
I preached a sermon on Gospel Family last year at a church in Florida. One of the women in the church came up to me afterwards and said,...
An Old Discipline for the New Year
Thousands of years ago, words of wisdom were written down that continue to guide families today. God commanded families to teach His Word...
How to Disciple from an Empty Nest
The more my wife and I try to disciple our 3 young children, the more I wonder what it will be like when they grow up and leave our home....