An Easy Way to Introduce Family Worship
Psalm 22:27 announces that all the families of the nations will worship before the Lord. What a beautiful picture: Families worshipping...
5 Ways to Worship as a Family
Paul tells us in Romans 12 to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship. If...
What is Family Worship? (Video)
Gospel Family Ministries bring families together to wrestle with the question, "What is Family Worship?" #familyworship #serving...
5 Families that Don't Need to Pray
We value family prayer and we champion prayer in the home, but before we assume that all families must pray, let us consider 5 families...
Jesus Loves Me, This I Know
Worshipping through music is one of the sweetest and most powerful ways to express our love to Christ. It is ascribing worth to the one...
Why Dedicate Kids to God?
Have you ever wanted something so badly that you couldn’t even eat? Have you ever prayed for something so fervently that others thought...
3 Things You Never Outgrow
There are some things in life that we enjoy for a season and then its gone. There are some things that are a part of our childhood but...
5 Ways to Redeem Christmas
I imagine that if we were to ask 100 random people in our city what Christmas means or why they celebrate or how they celebrate, we would...
Interceding for our Families in Prayer
3 Things to know about Interceding for our Families in Prayer: (1) We Intercede for our Families by Drawing Near to God (Genesis...
Mercy & Forgiveness that Extend
Most of us know and operate our lives on a day-to-day basis with a certain level of tolerance for one another; showing grace toward one...