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Adopt a Missionary

Mission Moment Monday is a weekly blog post meant to give your family practical ways to cultivate Family Missions.

One practical way to get your family involved in missions is to Adopt a Missionary.

Taking the gospel to the nations is not an easy task, but there are ways we can be involved in encouraging and supporting our missionaries and partners serving around the world.

Once you choose a missionary or missionary family to adopt, here are 8 ways you can support, encourage, and pray for them:

  • Keep a picture of the missionary family in your home and talk about them often.

  • Teach your children their names and pray for them regularly. Let the missionaries know you are praying for them.

  • Sign up to receive prayer updates and read them together during Family Devotions. Take time to pray for their specific needs.

  • Learn the birthdays of the missionaries and send them a special card or package.

  • If you are able, support them financially or go visit them.

  • Have a “Life of a Missionary” night to learn about the country and people group your missionary is serving. Have activities for your children that relate to that particular country:

-Color the country’s flag

-Make a special meal from the country

-Watch videos and look at pictures of the people from the country

-Learn a few simple phrases in the language of the people group

  • Put together a holiday care package and include things your missionary would like from “home” that he/she cannot purchase on the field.

  • Have your children become pen pals with their children. It can be a great source of emotional support as they are away from family and friends.

Jessica Williams is the co-founder of Gospel Family Ministries and co-partner of Raspberry Rain Images, allowing her to use her gifts and passions to creatively point families to the beauty of God's glory. Homeschooling her children, Jessica is blessed to spend her days teaching the Gospel inside and outside her home.

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