The Unbearable Dangers of Not Leading
The Bible clearly shows the repercussion of the failure of spiritual leadership within the home, whether Adam’s failure to lead Eve (Gen....
How to Disciple from an Empty Nest
The more my wife and I try to disciple our 3 young children, the more I wonder what it will be like when they grow up and leave our home....
5 Books Every Man Should Read
Pilgrims Progress - John Bunyan This is a classic with its creative set of characters with perfectly fitting names and a plot that every...
5 Reasons to Adopt
The Call is Clear Throughout the bible, God reveals his heart for the fatherless and the orphan, and he calls his people to care for...
11 Reasons we Need Gospel Fathers
In a world where too many of our sons are addicted to pornography before they’re old enough to spell “pornography,” we need fathers who...
Why Dedicate Kids to God?
Have you ever wanted something so badly that you couldn’t even eat? Have you ever prayed for something so fervently that others thought...
A Powerful Parenting Ally
I took my daughter to see Cinderella last week. We had talked about it for months, and both of us were excited. We waited through the...
The Road Never Traveled
When you’re single, everyone asks you if there’s someone special you’re interested in. When you’re finally dating they constantly ask you...
Why I won't Trade my Daughter for Cows
I just returned from a mission trip to Kenya. While I was there, I was able to talk with my family a few times, via video chat on my...
Cultivating Family Discipleship
Families get together to discuss the challenge and privilege of making disciples in the home. #familydevotion #familylife #parenting...