Do Your Kids Pray Alone?
My wife and I enjoy praying with our kids. It's a blessing to get to hear their hearts as they talk to their Creator, and I love the...
How to Disciple from an Empty Nest
The more my wife and I try to disciple our 3 young children, the more I wonder what it will be like when they grow up and leave our home....
5 Ways to Worship as a Family
Paul tells us in Romans 12 to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship. If...
5 Prayers for Babies
Pray for Them to Know and Follow Christ It is never too early to pray for your baby’s salvation. As parents, we have many hopes for our...
9 Back-to-School Prayers
As families begin another year of school and Facebook is filled with back-to-school pictures that remind us of the hope, anticipation,...
5 Families that Don't Need to Pray
We value family prayer and we champion prayer in the home, but before we assume that all families must pray, let us consider 5 families...
4 Ways to Respond to SCOTUS Ruling
Pray for our nation: This 4th of July, we do not need another fireworks display, another BBQ, another solo of the Star Spangled...
Wipe Out!
Playa Grande, Costa Rica - It all began so well. A three foot wave, barreling along, my surfboard lifting as I jumped up to stand. But no...
Why Dedicate Kids to God?
Have you ever wanted something so badly that you couldn’t even eat? Have you ever prayed for something so fervently that others thought...
5 Ways to Redeem Christmas
I imagine that if we were to ask 100 random people in our city what Christmas means or why they celebrate or how they celebrate, we would...