4 Ways to Respond to SCOTUS Ruling

Pray for our nation: This 4th of July, we do not need another fireworks display, another BBQ, another solo of the Star Spangled Banner…these things are fine and well, but our nation is not desperate for them. What we are desperate for, what our nation needs this 4th of July is for the American church to PRAY!
Set an example of Gospel Marriages: Holding up an example of the biblical model of marriage does not begin and end with a heterosexual marriage. Just because the marriage is one man and one woman, does not mean we have fully grasped God’s vision for the home. The Bible calls the husband to love his wife as Christ loves the church. The Bible calls the wife to respect her husband. The Bible calls the couple to fidelity and faithfulness and to model a love that is unconditional.
It is hypocritical to oppose same-sex marriage because it does not line up with Biblical marriage while cheating on your wife or disrespecting your husband. It is hypocritical to call homosexuals to repentance if you are living in adultery because of your pornography addiction.
As Paul wrote Timothy, “Set an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity” (1 Tim. 4:12)
Love your neighbor as yourself: Jesus leaves no room for the church to hate. We are to love God, love our neighbor, love the least of these, love our enemies, and bless those who persecute us.
He didn’t say the loving part would always be easy, but if your speech is not seasoned with grace then stop talking.
If your speech is hateful, then you need to repent.
And if you cannot simultaneously speak truth with love, then this should be your first prayer.
No one will ever say, “The way you slander sinners really made me want to follow Jesus.”
Proclaim good news of freedom: There are thousands of men and women in our nation struggling with same-sex attraction. They don’t need condemnation, they don’t need judgment, they don’t need hate…they need Jesus Christ.
If the lost of our nation take their confusion and their sin to the world, the world will be quick to define them. Years ago they would’ve defined them as either “L” or “G”—Lesbian or Gay. Then it was either “L” or “G” or “B”, adding the bisexual nametag to their labels. Then, LGBT, providing yet another way to define those who are searching for their identity. Now, believe it or not, it is LGBTQQIP2SAA. The world has an endless alphabet of ways of defining you. So you can go to the world and receive your nametag, but you’ll have to return every couple of years for the labels will keep changing, your identity ever evolving.
And when we proclaim gospel freedom, we lovingly and boldly call the lost to bring their sin, confusion, questions, doubts, addictions, wounds, past…not to the world, but to Jesus Christ…and when they put their faith in him, he has only one nametag to give: “CHILD OF THE KING OF KINGS.”