8 Questions to get you Ready for Family Devotions
Many families find it overwhelming to begin family devotions if family devotions have never been a part of their family. Before you dive into this rewarding and challenging spiritual discipline, talk through these 8 questions in order to prepare your hearts and minds, while revealing areas of need that should be covered in prayer.
In what ways did you see worship in the home when you were growing up in your parents’ home?
Did you grow up in a home that taught the Bible regularly?
Did you grow up in a home that shared meals together regularly?
Do you do either of these regularly in your home today?
Do you feel confident enough to lead your family in acts of worship (Scripture reading, teaching Scripture, prayer, singing songs of praise)?
What fears or concerns do you have about leading your family in worship?
What would it look like if your family worshipped together regularly?
What blessings do you believe would come from this?
Jonathan Williams is the founder of Gospel Family Ministries and the Senior Pastor of Wilcrest Baptist Church, a multi-ethnic church of 44 nations located in Houston, TX.