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When does the Mission Begin?

As Christians, it’s not uncommon for many of us to look back and reflect on how God has been present in our lives. How he has had His hand on circumstances that were clearly out of our control. How He has rescued us from ourselves time and time again. I know that’s the case for me.

In the multiple roles that I play as a mom, a wife, a daughter, and in ministry, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Especially when I’m reminded of how many other things in my past I’ve messed up. Misspoken words, rash actions, and careless behavior seem to be part of my makeup. The more I’m reminded of who I am on my own, the more I grasp desperately to my Savior for each and every step I take, continuously seeking to hear from Him, constantly looking for Him at every turn.

I find myself buried in my Bible, listening intently to sermons, and analyzing day to day interactions asking “How has God spoken to me today?” I suppose I do this because I’m constantly EXPECTING the God who has been there for me since before I even realized who He is to continue leading me. That expectation has not proven to be in vain as I can quote numerous times where God has clearly responded. And each time He responds, my expectation grows and as a result my faith strengthens.

The desire to be in the presence of my Heavenly Father becomes overwhelming causing me to dig even deeper to hear from Him once again.

As a young adult, and perhaps even somewhat during my childhood, I began to develop an interest, or more like a passion, for Latin American culture. I still to this day cannot find any logical explanation for having developed that passion. I didn’t grow up in a culturally diverse environment nor was I exposed to much information about Latin American culture and never really had any Hispanic friends. Yet for some very odd reason, I sought ways to immerse myself in learning about it, particularly the language.

I became determined to not only learn the language, but to be able to speak it as well as a native speaker. I had tasked myself with trying to visit every country in Central and South America at least once and if possible, to actually live in one of those countries. It was not that I was fascinated by beautiful beaches or exquisite architecture. Bear with me, as I know this may sound a bit crazy, but I think it was the people and the complex simplicity of the third world life that intrigued me.

For years, I sought to fulfill this passion on my own. And nothing was off the table, whether it be working for an international company that required travel to those countries or whether I become a professional salsa dancer that competed abroad. By gosh, I was going to make my dreams come true. To be honest, trying to juggle my dreams with the reality of being a young, single mother without a lot of money and living in Beaumont, TX was quite a struggle.

As I’ve allowed God to manage my life throughout my Christian walk, He continues to show up. My circumstances have changed a bit as I now have an awesome husband and four fabulous kids. And those silly and completely unrealistic dreams that I had years ago, God is bringing to fruition in ways that my wildest imagination could have never conjured up.

Last summer, my husband and I were commissioned along with another couple from our church to conduct a scouting mission in Barranquilla, Colombia, South America.

This trip was to be the first of hopefully many to come, allowing us to partner with a local Colombian church. As a group, we visited with several churches as we examined their doctrine and the possibility of partnerships. It was exciting to be able to use the Spanish that I had so desperately tried to employ years before and amazing to be interacting with a people that had my heart before I even knew their names.

The meetings we had sparked interesting discussions within our foursome that caused us to examine our own faith in ways that we never had before.

My husband and I will be returning to Colombia this summer with our four children as a follow-up from the scouting trip along with a team from our church. The entire experience has begun to develop discussions and a mindset in our own household that is centered on following God’s will for our family. Even my children, from the teenager to the four year olds, are in perpetual prayer mode as they grapple to learn a sufficient amount of Spanish to be able to share Christ while we’re in Colombia. Meanwhile, my husband sees God challenging him to an even greater leadership role than he’s ever had.

In Jeremiah 29:11 God says, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” The Creator has a unique and very specific purpose for each of us. Our passions, talents, dreams, goals, imperfections and failures are all designed to be a testimony as to who He is.

If we allow Him, God can use everything about us to bless us, our families and the nations.

What could be more satisfying than that!

Not only has God fulfilled my dreams, but He has ignited an inextinguishable fire within my family. He has united us with Him as our glue and our guide. My husband and I delight as we see our children seeking God’s direction at an early age. I marvel at how He is using my once selfish desires to advance His kingdom. Praise God for giving us the courage to put Him first in our lives and to witness the mission beginning before we even get on the plane!

Shelly Cervantes is part of a multi-ethnic church in Houston, TX, where she serves in local missions, while also serving with her husband and children as missionaries in Colombia, South America.

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