How to Disciple from an Empty Nest
The more my wife and I try to disciple our 3 young children, the more I wonder what it will be like when they grow up and leave our home....
5 Reasons to Adopt
The Call is Clear Throughout the bible, God reveals his heart for the fatherless and the orphan, and he calls his people to care for...
Why Dedicate Kids to God?
Have you ever wanted something so badly that you couldn’t even eat? Have you ever prayed for something so fervently that others thought...
Dear Tired, Weak, Worn Sister:
Dear tired, weak, worn mommy, sister and friend: What if I told you that there was a place you could go to hide away, feel safe and be...
Legos and the Cross
After a long stressful and eventful day of traveling with our children back to our home in Poland, we finally boarded our last flight...
Cultivating Family Discipleship
Families get together to discuss the challenge and privilege of making disciples in the home. #familydevotion #familylife #parenting...
I love watching super hero movies. From Spiderman to Superman to Captain America, there is just something so awesome about watching the...
Why their Kids are going to Colombia
Gospel Family Ministries celebrates Family Missions and rejoices over testimonies of families who live out both the Great Commission of...
The Greatest Gift
Christmas of 1992 had come quickly that year. I was 10 years old. All I wanted that year was a Ball Python. Now for those of you who do...
What others See in Your Home
Let’s pretend aliens really do exist. On the aliens’ planet, there exists a King Alien. The King Alien knows that there is a God who...