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The Greatest Gift

Christmas of 1992 had come quickly that year. I was 10 years old. All I wanted that year was a Ball Python. Now for those of you who do not know what that is, it’s a snake. Being raised in a home where we had pretty much any animal, including snakes, rabbits and large birds, I had a love for strange pets. I begged my mom and dad for a Ball Python. Christmas morning came and I remember searching the house franticly looking for my new pet. And there was no new snake to be found. As the opening of the presents commenced my heart sank more and more as I realized that my gifts didn’t hold my new best friend.

Then I got to my stocking.

Inside, was a large ball with a snake drawn on it. I looked at my parents confused thinking this was some kind of cruel joke. It was then that they told me we would be picking up my Christmas wish that afternoon! I was so excited. Later that day we drove to the Luby’s parking lot and I got my new friend. I named him Hudini.

Being a mom has given me a fresh perspective on this Christmas. I know that my poor mother did not want a snake in our house! Who would? But because it was my greatest desire, it became her joy to give me a six-foot reptile.

As parents we want to give our children the best. This is a mirror of how God desires to give his children good gifts! Even if it costs us everything, we desire to give good gifts to our children.

Giving us Jesus cost God everything.

A month ago I attended a missions conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. In preparation for moving to Poland, I sought out the wisdom and guidance of a woman who had raised all of her children overseas and she herself had grown-up overseas.

I asked her, “What is the greatest thing I can do for my son, Micah to help him thrive in Poland?”

I did not expect her answer. I was expecting something about schools, making sure we spend plenty of time with him or something about learning the language. She said, “

The greatest gift we can give our children is to constantly be growing in the Lord.” I sat there for a moment taken back by her words. The greatest gift we can give our children is for them to see their parents growing in and being most satisfied in Jesus. This is the eternal gift. This is a gift that will not die or break; a gift they cannot grow out of. It is the greatest gift for every age and every season. And you do not have to pay for shipping with this gift!

But it does cost us.

It will cost us our time. It will cost us our sleep. As we awake early to spend time with the Lord or stay up late, to unite our hearts with His. Our hearts are so easily distracted and satisfied by earthly things. Yet, the greatest gift we can give our children is to be completely and totally satisfied in Christ. Even in the tough times, the tragedies and the seasons where all we have the strength to do is say His name, “Jesus.” We keep walking towards him.

This is a gift that transforms generations, as exampled in 2 Timothy 1:5 where Paul is writing to Timothy, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.” This is Timothy’s heritage of faith. As his mother grew she saw Timothy’s grandmother grow in the Lord. And so as Timothy grew he saw his mother grow in the Lord. What a legacy these two women left for Timothy! So much so that Paul tells Timothy to guard the godliness that has been poured into him by these two women.

As parents, the greatest gift we can give our children is to grow in our relationship with the Lord. It is the gift that keeps on giving through the generations!

What spiritual legacy will you leave your children?

Christmas of 1992 was a great one! I was so excited to finally get my Ball Python. My mom has given me many things throughout the years. But the greatest gift she has ever given me is seeing her day after day, every morning with coffee and Bible in hand. I can still close my eyes and see her sitting in her chair Bible open. In all seasons, times of rejoicing and times of great sorrow, there she was… growing in the Lord right in front of my eyes. The greatest gift we can give our children is to be constantly growing in the Lord.

Jenn Freeman is a missionary in Gdansk, Poland where she and her husband, Kurt, and son, Micah, serve as church planters, aiming to bring the Gospel to the families of the nations.

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