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No More Lone Ranger Families

Many families have embraced the Gospel Family vision throughout church history.

Many families have embarked on the mission to bring the Gospel home.

Many families have embodied family discipleship, family worship, & family missions.

Countless families have prayed for this sort of home—a home where prayer is common, where Scripture is enjoyed, where the Gospel is evident, where grace is shown, and spiritual leadership exists.

And yet all families who long to see the Gospel in the hearts of their home would do well to partner with another family in this journey.

There should be another family coming alongside every Gospel Family, and this family should be the Church Family.

The church is not a club or a fraternity or an association or an organization. The church is family, and all families need this family.

Throughout Scripture, we see family words used to describe the church and our relationship with the other members of the church:

  • Matthew 12:49-50—Jesus says that those who do the Father’s will are His brothers and sisters and mother.

  • John 1:12—Those who believe in Jesus become children of God.

  • Romans 12:10—We love one another with brotherly affection.

  • Galatians 6:10—The church is called the Household of faith.

  • 1 Timothy 5:1-2—We encourage our elders as fathers and mothers, and we encourage younger men and younger women as brothers and sisters.

  • 1 Timothy 3:15—The church of the Living God is the Household of God.

  • 1 Timothy 3:4-5—Church overseers are to shepherd the church the way they shepherd their own family.

God’s call for us to disciple our families (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) is a high and difficult call. It is not easy. It does not always come naturally, and it can be exhausting and discouraging at times.

Families can’t do this alone!

Families need families, and Gospel Families need the Church Family.

Can we be humble and honest enough to say we need help? Can we acknowledge that if we are to ever become Gospel Families we will need our Church Family right there beside us, praying, encouraging, challenging, supporting?

And can we open up our homes and welcome our brothers and sisters to come in and be a part of this gospel journey?

Remember, the Lone Ranger didn't even journey alone...

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