You have to Start Somewhere
Once again I find myself struggling to wake up, to move, to get out of bed and get my day started. I can feel the cold creeping through...
Story through the Bible as a Family
Any teenager with a cell phone can post a Bible verse to Facebook with the touch of a button. Verse after verse after verse, we catch...
Recognizing God's Hand in your Bitterness & Joy
“How are you?” “I’m fine.” I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard that greeting. What is usually unspoken in the response is that...
Mason Jar Devotion
With this free download and a little Mason Jar, you will be equipped to engage your family in a spiritual conversation every day for a...
8 Questions to get you Ready for Family Devotions
Many families find it overwhelming to begin family devotions if family devotions have never been a part of their family. Before you dive...
Make Time for Remembering during Family Devotions
We usually sit down with our family about once a year to remember. We do this at Thanksgiving while we’re passing the turkey and...