Teaching Our Children how to Pray
Last night was a late night. I hurried to get through the bedtime routine with my daughter and lay her down so she could hopefully go to...
I Need the Gospel Everyday
I have five daughters whose ages span from six-years-old to eight-months-old. Yes, that is a lot of little girls; and, yes, raising them...
Your Kid's Passion is a Gift, not a Curse
Kids are wild. They run, they scream, they explore. My daughter sprints everywhere she goes. If she needs water, she runs to the...
Messy & Noisy Dinner Devotions
I use to have this image of family devotions, this picture in my head of what it would look like for my family: There we were, my wife,...
A Father's Response to a Temper Tantrum
It had been a long and taxing day. It rarely snows in Texas, but today it had and therefore my 3 year old son had skipped his nap and we...
Temper Tantrums, Sin, & Grace
The screams of anger and defiance pierced the joyous reception happening in the church house where my husband pastors. No amount of...
10 Reasons to Include Kids in Missions
A year ago, I could easily given reasons why it is important to leave children behind on a mission trip. After spending two months on the...
The Mission of Praying for New Birth
Our beautiful and passionate baby girl, Gracie, is about to turn 4. Funny how we use that expression: “turns” 4. It seems that we are...
Are your Kids getting left out of Missions?
“Most things are caught, not taught.” His statement accomplished exactly what he intended. Questions began to flood my mind if there...