Heaven in a Mini-Van
One Sunday morning several weeks ago, I was riding to church with my wife Bethany and my three young children, Zach (8), Nina (3) and...

Create a House of Prayer for all Nations
Our family left the church house and headed for one of the closest Mexican restaurants. As I devoured the chips, my wife ordered lunch...

“Which room is mine?” My son, Micah yells as he runs down the hall of the third house we stayed at that week. He looks from door to door...

Thankful for Laundry & Sleepless Nights
Today I am thankful. Thankful for never-ending piles of clothes to be washed, dried, and folded for my 2 precious ones who are alive to...

The Moments that Matter
I take a deep breath and exhale. That is my life. A breath. James 4:14 says that we are "a vapor that appears for a little while and then...

Being a Proud and Humble Parent
Humility is hard for a proud Mommy. It is in my nature to want to showcase my children, to show the world how incredibly amazing they...

Teaching Our Children how to Pray
Last night was a late night. I hurried to get through the bedtime routine with my daughter and lay her down so she could hopefully go to...

I Need the Gospel Everyday
I have five daughters whose ages span from six-years-old to eight-months-old. Yes, that is a lot of little girls; and, yes, raising them...

Your Kid's Passion is a Gift, not a Curse
Kids are wild. They run, they scream, they explore. My daughter sprints everywhere she goes. If she needs water, she runs to the...

A Father's Response to a Temper Tantrum
It had been a long and taxing day. It rarely snows in Texas, but today it had and therefore my 3 year old son had skipped his nap and we...