Next Door Missions
Mission Moment Monday is a weekly blog post meant to give your family practical ways to cultivate Family Missions. Missional living is a...
What is our Mission?
Mission Moment Monday is a weekly blog post meant to give your family practical ways to cultivate Family Missions. Mark 12:30-31 tells us...
Adopt a Missionary
Mission Moment Monday is a weekly blog post meant to give your family practical ways to cultivate Family Missions. One practical way to...
The Impact of Serving Together
Gospel Family Ministries brings families together to discuss the impact of missions in the home and serving together as a family....
Join the Show
Ever notice how we are all storytellers? From the old man exaggerating the size of the fish he caught last weekend to the teenager...
5 Marks of a Healthy Missionary Marriage
1) The husband thinks of his wife more highly than she thinks of herself (and vice-versa) I am stealing this from Marcus Buckingham’s,...
When "I Do" meets "We'll Go"
Gospel Family Ministries is honored to share a Family Missions story from Jonathan & Esther Schinzler, who went on a mission trip last...
Why their Kids are going to Colombia
Gospel Family Ministries celebrates Family Missions and rejoices over testimonies of families who live out both the Great Commission of...
Create a House of Prayer for all Nations
Our family left the church house and headed for one of the closest Mexican restaurants. As I devoured the chips, my wife ordered lunch...
“Which room is mine?” My son, Micah yells as he runs down the hall of the third house we stayed at that week. He looks from door to door...